14 Rebuttals to the Claim that Monitored Home Security "Isn’t Worth It" | Alarm Relay

14 Rebuttals to the Claim that Monitored Home Security "Isn’t Worth It"

There is some debate over whether alarm monitoring is important for keeping homeowners and their families safe. This blog post is in rebuttal to an article released trying to state that alarm monitoring isn’t worth it. We’re here to disprove that article and prove why monitored home security IS worth it when it comes to protecting your home and family.

Argument #1: “They can be expensive to install.”


At Alarm Relay, Inc., we aim to provide you with the best low-cost security options available. This is why we recommend installing your own alarm system. DIY solutions are affordable and easier to install than most people think. Alarm Relay can also take over the majority of existing alarm systems on the market.

In the post referenced above, the writer states that some companies “will do the job for under $100.00”. A lot of security companies do this to lure customers in with an attractive price. The customer then discovers that they are locked into a 3-5 year contract at a very high monthly rate. The security company makes back their money over time by inflating monitoring costs. Even after a customer is released from the contract and the alarm system is paid, the company will not lower the customer’s monthly cost.

Yes, home security systems can be costly. Want to know what is more expensive than investing in a security system? Having to replace all of the possessions in your home because you have been robbed. Furthermore, the emotional toll it will take on your family if you are ever a victim of a robbery. In hindsight, it will make you wonder how much you would have been willing to spend to have had your home protected. There are many affordable options available to customers to protect their home without breaking the bank.

Argument #2: “Those monthly monitoring fees add up.”


Not when a UL-Listed Central Station provides alarm monitoring service for as low as $8.95/month. Alarm Relay offers quality alarm monitoring at a fraction of the normal industry cost. The other post states “they [monthly monitoring fees] can range anywhere from $25 to $100 per month– and the commitment is typically over several years.”

We proudly provide home security monitoring service for as low as $8.95 per month with an annual contract.

Argument #3: “They’re annoying.”


This is your safety we’re talking about. If your life or someone you love is in danger, wouldn’t you want sirens going off, lights flashing, and your security system communicating to a Central Station? Regardless, these alarm systems are much less annoying if you have a mobile application to monitor and control your alarm system remotely. Alarm Relay offers a mobile application that is compatible with most alarm systems.

Argument #4: “They have a high false-alarm rate.”


This is true, a lot of customers do not know how to properly control their alarm system. As a Five Diamond Certified Central Station, Alarm Relay takes an active stand on eliminating false alarms and false dispatches. We provide customers with information on how to eliminate false alarms and we teach customers how to properly use their alarm systems. Our mobile application also helps our customers eliminate many false alarms by providing a notification to them and allowing them to disarm their system before police are dispatched. For more information, check out one of our recent blog posts on reducing false alarms.

Argument #5: “The security monitoring centers are overwhelmed.”


This statement might be in reference to a monitoring center as opposed to a Central Station. What is the difference between a monitoring center and a Central Station? A Central Station is UL-Listed, a monitoring center is not. We can proudly say that we are a UL-Listed Central Station. We have a professionally trained and certified staff to handle all emergencies. UL inspects our Central Station every year to make sure we are in compliance with industry standards. Our Central Station operators are never overwhelmed with our alarm volume. For more information, take a look at our blog post discussing what it takes to be UL-Listed.

Argument #6 & 7: “Your neighbors will hate you.” & “Most people simply ignore them.”


This is not true. Most neighbors are concerned when anything unusual happens in a neighborhood. It is human nature for people to take notice of anything out of the ordinary and investigate. Want an example? Take a look outside your home the next time an ambulance arrives in your neighborhood. Our mobile application can help with this scenario as well. If a false alarm occurs while you are away, you will be notified by a push notification, email, or text message. Quick notification will allow you to promptly take the necessary action.

 Argument #8: “Some police departments charge a response fee for wasting their time.”


Yes, some police departments do charge fees for excessive false alarms. However, this can easily be avoided by learning how to properly use your security system and regularly testing your alarm for any faulty sensors. False alarm fees can 100% be avoided with proper precaution.

Argument #9: “Burglars know that police response times are slow.”


This is inaccurate and just plain silly. While some burglars might think police response times are slow, they never know if a police officer is right around the corner or within seconds from the home. This is a risk that most burglars are not willing to take if they suspect an alarm is in the home. The yard signs and window decals that we provide to our customers function as a great deterrent.

Security cameras can also be a good deterrent in this scenario. Even if the burglar believes they can rob your home without police arriving, they would not want to run the risk of their description being caught on camera.

Argument #10: “If you’re a dog owner, they provide little added value.”


In the article, it states: “Man’s best friend can protect your home just as well as a modern alarm system — if not better.” This is completely false. Most burglars will disregard a dog completely and some even have the nerve to interact with them on a friendly basis. Keep in mind that most dogs are not trained to attack humans. “My family home was broken into a few years ago, the burglar went through our backyard and completely disregarded our 90-pound pit bull.” -Anonymous. Just remember, your dog can never call emergency services for you if you are in trouble.

Argument #11: “They won’t work during an extended power outage.”


The life of a battery for a security panel varies from system to system. Most alarm system backup batteries will last anywhere from 10-24 hours on average. Extended power outages, in most areas, are a rare occurrence. However, there are solutions to help keep your home security system always up and running. We recommend a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply).

Argument #12: “They’re fairly easy to disable.”


Security systems today are very elaborate and difficult to disable. The communication method of a security system is usually what determines the reliability. Even if a customer has an older alarm system, a communicator can be installed to boost security. A lot of burglars do cut landlines to disable communications, but there are ways to protect your home against this outcome. Alarm Relay offers internet alarm monitoring as well as cellular alarm monitoring, giving you the most secure communication solutions in the industry.

Argument #13: “They’re not effective against snatch-and-grab burglars.”


Burglars who break into a home with an alarm system blaring loudly are more likely to get away from the house as fast as they can as opposed to taking their chances and trying to find a quick steal. They break into unprotected homes more often than they break into homes that appear to be protected. This is why decals and signs from your alarm monitoring company can be a great deterrent. Even if the burglar decides to risk breaking into a home with displayed signs and decals, they will run as soon as your alarm sounds.

Argument #14: “They’re not foolproof.”


The writer of the other post states “…monitored home security systems work only if you remember to activate them.” Here is something that rings true! Always remember to arm your alarm system every day and every night! If you have trouble remembering, we have a mobile application available that will allow you to do this remotely.

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